Kentucky turtles

Kentucky Turtles - Slowly Walking Towards Extinction?

Kentucky Turtles - Slowly Walking Towards Extinction?

You know at Fox Run Environmental Education Center we love our turtles! We are also very concerned about the fate of turtles in Kentucky. Kentucky is home to several species of turtles which are endangered or threatened.

Turtles Are Terrific!

Turtles Are Terrific!

Updated September 27, 2019. Turtles are easy to recognize reptiles that are famous for carrying their house on their back. They are often portrayed as slow-moving and dim-witted in stories and cartoons. But they are faster and more intelligent than given credit for!  In Kentucky, we have 14 species of turtles. All of our turtles are aquatic and live in water except for one, the Eastern Box Turtle.