alternative energy

Composting Toilets Are Great: No Sh*T!

Composting Toilets Are Great: No Sh*T!

Composting toilets are a great bathroom solution when you live off-grid, a minimalist lifestyle or just want to be a good patron of the earth. Composting toilets do not need electric or plumbing, and are an easy DIY project or to install a purchased system.   Best of all they can easily fit inside a small cabin or tiny home.

Alternative Refrigeration: Propane VS. Solar

Alternative Refrigeration: Propane VS. Solar

One of the questions you will have to decide when you go off-grid is how are you going to keep your food cold. Refrigeration is something that we all need so that we can store food safely. In addition, freezing food is one way to keep food for future needs.

Can I run "THIS" on Solar Energy?

Can I run "THIS" on Solar Energy?

What can I run on solar energy? I get this question a lot. Well, the question is not ‘what can you run on solar energy.’ The question should be how many solar panels do I need to run my entertainment system or microwave. You need to look at specific things to determine the amount of energy you need. This article will look at how much solar energy you need for different applications.